Professor Dame Nicky Cullum

by | 19 Jul 2022 | Manchester, Supervisors | 0 comments


Research profile and key clinical specialties

I am a nurse researcher who studies the prevention and management of complex wounds such as leg ulcers.

My work is highly applied and includes exploring the causes of wounds that are slow to heal, predictors of healing, the effects of interventions designed to promote healing and the impacts of chronic wounds on the patients. Other areas of interest include how we measure healing.

My methodological expertise is primarily epidemiological (including randomised trials, cohort studies, systematic reviews).

Two key publications

  • Cullum N, Buckley H, Dumville J, Hall J, Lamb K, Madden M, Morley R, O’Meara S, Goncalves PS, Soares M, Stubbs N. Wounds research for patient benefit: a 5-year programme of research. NIHR Journals Library 2016 Aug.
  • Westby MJ, Norman G, Watson REB, Cullum NA, Dumville JC. Protease activity as a prognostic factor for wound healing in complex wounds. Wound Repair Regen 2020 Sep; 28 (5):631-644. 10.1111/wrr.12835.

Possible PhD projects

  • Determining factors associated with increased risk of tissue breakdown and slow wound healing with the goal of developing targeted treatments.

More information

 I co-lead the Manchester component of 4Ward North and am an experienced PhD supervisor and mentor who has served on MRC and NIHR Fellowship Panels.



Keywords: prevention, management, leg ulcers, wounds, epidemiological, Nursing, Nicky, Cullum, Manchester.