Professor Sheila Francis

by | 26 Jul 2022 | Sheffield, Supervisors | 0 comments


Research profile and key clinical specialties

I have studied the development of atherosclerosis and the role of inflammation (especially interleukin-1 (IL-1)) for most of my career.

The positive outcome of the CANTOS trial with a biologic called canakinumab (New England Journal of Medicine 2017) means we can now accept that over exuberant expression of the proinflammatory cytokine IL-1 is causal in the development of coronary artery disease.

I am now interested in how IL-1 is released from vascular cells and modulation of this and how excessive inflammation in atherosclerosis links to dementia. I work with cell and experimental models of atherosclerosis and with neurophysiologists to study neurovascular coupling in the brain.

Two key publications

Possible PhD projects

  • Development of a ‘mixed model’ of mild Alzheimers disease and atherosclerosis – role of cellular senescence and inflammation

More information

I am a current member of the BHF Fellowships Committee. I have led two silver Athena SWAN applications and been a Head of Department twice.


Keywords: Atherosclerosis, inflammation, canakinumab, coronary, artery, disease, proinflammatory, vascular, neurophysiologists, dementia, Shelia, Francis, Sheffield