Dr Adhithya Sankar

by | 21 Jul 2022 | Academy fellows | 0 comments

Dr Adhithya SankarOverview

I graduated from The University of Sheffield, where I completed an intercalated BMedSci research degree investigating microvascular complications in diabetes.

I subsequently completed an Academic Foundation Programme in Central Manchester and soon after secured a NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowship in Diabetes and Endocrinology.

During this period I gained experience in both basic science and clinical research, including working on an international multi-centre clinical study.

I undertook a Masters in Medical Sciences alongside clinical training to gain additional experience in basic scientific research, which strengthened my current interest in neuroscience and neuro-endocrinology.

I am currently a ST4 Trainee in the North West and have clinical responsibilities in Diabetes and Endocrinology and General Internal Medicine.

PhD title

Contribution of specific brain circuits to impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia.

Brief summary of PhD project

I am interested in using both basic science and clinical research methods to investigate the pathogenesis of impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia (IAH). In this PhD I aim to establish the precise neuronal changes which underpin IAH and identify strategies for its treatment.


  • Prof Simon Luckman (University of Manchester)
  • Prof Mark Dunne (University of Manchester)


  • Prof Rory McCrimmon (University of Dundee)
  • Prof Simon Heller (University of Sheffield)

Progress so far

The first stage of my PhD has involved immunohistochemical studies aimed at establishing the distribution and function of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) neurons in the mouse-brain, following physiological stressors (hypoglycaemia, cold exposure).

These neurons, we hypothesise, are key to the changes which underlie IAH and thus require greater understanding.

Alongside these studies, I am carrying out experiments to re-iterate the validity of our transgenic mouse model of IAH, with the assistance of collaborations with Prof McCrimmon (Dundee).

In addition, I will be performing neuro-tracing experiments to investigate our proposed circuit, by delineating neuronal projections in the hypothalamus and thalamus.